2014年10月6日 星期一

神的审判刑罚就是神最大的祝福 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我是家里的老小,家人都特别宠爱我,所以我从小就喜欢所有的人都围着我转,并喜欢缠着父母满足我的欲望,哥哥、姐姐也常被我折腾得只有妥协的份,由着我的性子做任何事。因着长期生活在这样的环境中,我的脸皮特别薄,名誉、地位心也特别的重。是一个名誉、地位心特别重的人,有时哥哥开玩笑说我任性、蛮横不讲理,我就跟他吵闹,直到他们又围过来哄我才罢休。上学后,虽然我学习成绩一般,但我从不愿去巴结老师或成绩好的同学,也不愿主动去搭理哪个同学,我所结识的朋友都 […]神的审判刑罚就是神最大的祝福 | 阅读全文

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

全能神带领我走上人生正道 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我出生在一个贫穷的农村家庭,在我三岁时母亲病逝,父亲续弦,我常遭到继母的虐待、同龄人的歧视。面对世间的冷漠,不禁激起了我自强自立的心志,我常常告诉自己要有出息,不做别人眼中的可怜虫。特别是看了电视剧《武则天》后,我更萌生了出人头地的强烈愿望:长大后,我要成为一名出色的女强人,我的人生篇章要靠自己谱写!于是我发奋苦读,盼望早日实现自己的理想。 2005年,大学毕业后,我成功竞聘到一家集团公司的采购部门就职,因着常与各行各业的总裁、股东、经 […]

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

神的审判刑罚变化了我的撒但性情 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我是一个争强好胜的人,从小嫉妒心特别强,不管与谁相处总怕别人比我好,如果自己哪方面不如别人,我心里就痛苦得要命,非要想办法压过对方。小时候,妈妈若是当着我的面夸奖了别的小朋友,回到家我就会跟她大吵大闹,还摔门,要不就把自己关在屋里委屈地痛哭一场,觉得这样活着真不如死了好。随着年龄的增长,我争强好胜的性情越来越严重,再加上学场上竞争特别激烈,我变得越来越自私、狡诈,为了自己出众,我恨不得让身边的人都倒霉才好。我从来不会真正帮助别人,就怕对 […]神的审判刑罚变化了我的撒但性情 | 阅读全文

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

神的刑罚审判使我活出点人的模样 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我从小就是一个名誉心极强的人,与人相处特别注重自己的形象,注重自己在人心中的地位与评价。为此,我总是把方便、好处让给别人,自己有什么难处与委屈总是埋在心底,不向任何人表露,而别人有难处我总是想方设法地给予帮助。因此在父母眼里,我是个“乖乖女”、“开心果”,在邻居、朋友眼里,我是个热心大度的人。结婚后,我与丈夫的家人相处得也很融洽,小姑子、小叔子找对象、结婚,我跑前跑后,既出钱又出力,替公婆分忧解愁。很快,我就成了远近有名的“好媳妇”、“ […]

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

神的审判刑罚变化了狂妄的我 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    “神你的作工太实在,满了公义和圣洁,忍耐作工这么久全是为了我们。以往信神没有人的模样,悖逆伤你心还不知,蒙羞懊悔亏欠你,我今才明白。……没有你严厉的审判,我就不会有今天,面对你这真实的爱感激又亏欠。是你的作工拯救了我,使我的性情有了变化,没有忧愁和痛苦心里满了快乐。”(摘自《跟随羔羊唱新歌》)每当唱起这首经历诗歌,想起神这么多年来对我的拯救,我就对神充满了感激之情。是神的审判刑罚变化了我,使我这个狂妄自大、野心通天的悖逆之子有了点人的模 […]

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

感谢全能神拯救了我 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我出生在一个艺术之家,父母都是搞文艺的,在姐妹几个中就我有艺术天赋,自然成了爸爸重点培养的对象。因着他“望女成凤”心切,从小就对我要求很严格,希望我能成为一名艺术家。但我的艺术之路并不平坦,记得初次登台表演时(那年我才十五岁),我看见台下观众很多,一紧张把台词忘了。下台后,我爸很生气,说我给他丢了脸,并当众扇了我一耳光,当时好多同行都低声嘲笑我,还说:“若是她能练出来,那谁都能练出来!”我的自尊心受到了极大的伤害,跑到河边哭了一天,并在 […]
东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

全能神的刑罚审判变化了狂妄的我 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我是个本性特别狂妄自大的人,加上从小受“唯我独尊”“出人头地”“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”“顺我者昌,逆我者亡”等撒但毒素的毒害与侵蚀,我更是目中无人,自命不凡。就在我17岁那年,我有幸进入了商业部门上班。在单位里,虽然我年纪小,但我谁也不服,根本不把那些老职工、老会计、门市部主任方心眼里。我心想:别看我年龄小,只要我肯吃苦付代价,好好学技术,用不了多长时间我就会超过你们。那时候,我为了这一理想,每天都加班加点地学技术。功夫不负有心人,到 […]

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

神 的 拯 救 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

      我出生在一个偏远的农村,因父亲重男轻女的封建思想特别严重,我从小就没有享受过父亲的疼爱。从记事起,我看到的就是父亲常常因家里没有男孩而唉声叹气、酗酒抽烟,与妈妈无休止地争吵,而且周围邻居也因我们家没有男孩而瞧不起我们。从那时起,我心里就有了一个这样的目标:一定要出人头地胜过男孩,为自己争气、为妈妈争口气!上学后,妈妈也将希望寄托于我,天天在我耳边念叨:“我们家没钱没权,只有好好读书考上大学才能抬起头来……”在这些思想的灌输、环境的熏陶下 […]

       【东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

全能神带领我走上人生正道 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我幼年时家境贫寒,父亲体弱多病,下煤窑挣的血汗钱大部分都花在了药物上,母亲起早贪黑地在生产队挣工分,又遭生产队长的克扣,因此,我一家人的生活过得异常艰辛。后来,父亲在一次矿难中身亡,这对我们家无疑是雪上加霜,更是给了母亲一个致命的打击,瞬间,母亲苍老了许多,不复往日的笑颜。家里没了顶梁柱,生产队长更是变本加厉地剥削我们,我们一家人的生活变得越发艰难。不光如此,我在学校也倍受歧视、排挤。那时我就知道,若不是因着家里穷,我们一家绝不会被人这 […]

      【东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

全能神把我从“望子成龙”的枷锁中拯救出来 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    在我刚懂事的时候,就常听父母说:“儿女有出息,父母脸面才有光。”经长期的思想灌输,这句话不知不觉成了我人生的奋斗目标。因此,为了实现自己的理想,我一直努力读书,经常拿到好成绩。而且,我尤其羡慕那些能弹会唱、多才多艺的人,就连做梦都想弹一首、唱一曲。因为觉得这样能被众人佩服、高看,让父母脸上有光。只可惜在八十年代,出生在穷山沟的我没有那个条件,我“才艺双全”的梦也随之消逝,我只好努力读书为父母争光。后来,我考上了中专,家人为有一个能去城里 […]

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

全能神使我活出了人模样 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我出生在一个普通的农民家庭,从小父母就教育我要好好学习,将来考上大学出人头地,不要像他们一样在农村受一辈子苦。为了把我培养成材,父母含辛茹苦,不管家里有多困难都咬紧牙关供我上学。我也想借着知识改变自己的命运,于是发愤学习,可无论我怎么努力,学习成绩总也提高不了,念到初二时我实在念不下去只好辍学了。面对父母失望的眼神,我也很沮丧,恨自己为什么不是读书的料。那时正是八十年代,城里人无论什么待遇都比农村要好,父母就省吃俭用攒钱把我的户口从农村 […]

东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

是神的審判刑罰拯救了我 | 全能神教會-繁體中文博客

        小時候,我家特別貧窮,父母也常常吵架,親鄰都瞧不起,常常欺負打罵我們,我感覺社會恐怖,不敢與人接觸,怕隨時會被別人無故打罵,所以總願一個人躲起來看書學習。而且我也常常告誡自己雖然吃穿不如別人,但在學習上一定要超過別人。由於我的刻苦努力,考試成績常常是滿分、第一名,老師、親鄰都誇我,說我長大肯定有出息,家人也說我聽話懂事,同學也都佩服我。隨著周圍人的誇獎、讚揚聲增多,我的野心更大了、名譽心更重了,暗立心志必須保持年級前三名,將來最低也要拿 […]

       【東方閃電、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God】   全能神教會是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中國的作工而產生的,並非是哪個人設立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的發表就看見神已顯現。

是神的刑罰審判帶領我走上人生正道 | 全能神教會-繁體中文博客

        她出身於一個貧寒之家,從小家人就對她寄予厚望,希望她能好好讀書,將來能出人頭地,光宗耀祖。於是她發奮苦讀,決志闖出一番事業改變家庭環境,即使中考失利遭遇人生挫折,她也從未放棄自己追逐的夢想。接受全能神的末世救恩後,她仍一如既往地追逐名利地位,滿足個人的野心慾望。但全能神不願看著她在歧途上越走越遠,便用話語審判刑罰她,又擺設許多環境顯明她,使她在失敗、痛苦中明白了神的良苦用心,看清了追求名利地位的虛空,摸著了人生的方向,走上了真正的人生正 […]

東方閃電、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God】   全能神教會是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中國的作工而產生的,並非是哪個人設立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的發表就看見神已顯現。

全能神使我活出了真正人的樣式 | 全能神教會-繁體中文博客

        我出生在一個貧瘠落後的小山村,封建陋俗嚴重,人際關係特別複雜。從小父母就教我怎樣做一個「聰明」的人,常常叮囑我:現在的人都不好惹,出門少說話,要學會察言觀色,不要實話實說,俗話說「言多必失,失言傷人」……並結合身邊一些因說實話或多說話得罪人吃虧遇害的實例來警示我。每次我都津津有味地聽著,並牢牢地記在心裡,當作真理去實行。就這樣在父母的言傳身教薰陶之下,我把「沉默是金,說話是銀,言多必失」「逢人只說三分話,話到嘴邊留三分」「看透不說透,還 […]

東方閃電、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God】   全能神教會是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中國的作工而產生的,並非是哪個人設立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的發表就看見神已顯現。

在神的審判刑罰中重生 | 全能神教會-繁體中文博客

        我叫趙霞,出生在一個普通家庭,因受「人活臉面,樹活皮」「人過留名,雁過留聲」的名言薰陶,我把名譽、臉面看得特別重要,無論幹什麼都想讓人說個好,得到別人的誇獎、高看。結婚後,我給自己制訂的奮鬥目標是:生活要比別人過得富;對待老人、為人處世不能讓別人說半個「不」字;要讓孩子將來考上名牌大學有個好前途,好為我的臉面增光添彩。為此,在公婆面前,我從不與他們吵嘴,有時他們說些刺耳的話,我委屈得偷著哭也不給他們臉色看;看到別人逢年過節給父母買衣服, […]
東方閃電、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God】   全能神教會是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中國的作工而產生的,並非是哪個人設立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的發表就看見神已顯現。

2014年10月5日 星期日

在神的审判刑罚中重生 | 全能神教会-简体中文博客

    我叫赵霞,出生在一个普通家庭,因受“人活脸面,树活皮”“人过留名,雁过留声”的名言熏陶,我把名誉、脸面看得特别重要,无论干什么都想让人说个好,得到别人的夸奖、高看。结婚后,我给自己制定的奋斗目标是:生活要比别人过得富;对待老人、为人处世不能让别人说半个“不”字;要让孩子将来考上名牌大学有个好前途,好为我的脸面增光添彩。为此,在公婆面前,我从不与他们吵嘴,有时他们说些刺耳的话,我委屈得偷着哭也不给他们脸色看;看到别人逢年过节给父母买衣服, […]
东方闪电、全能神教、Eastern LightningAlmighty GodThe Church of Almighty God 全能神教会是因主耶穌的再來——末世基督“全能神”在中国的作工而产生的,并非是哪个人设立的。基督就是真理、道路、生命,只要看完神的发表就看见神已显现。

2014年8月30日 星期六

【The Church of Almighty God】Why Does the Well-known BBC Become the CCP’s Accomplice? —— by Huang Xia (from Hong Kong, China) | Official Blog – The Church of Almighty God

For many years, in the hearts of the people of all countries, the BBC, for taking not fearing power, upholding impartiality, reporting the truth of the fact objectively, respecting religious belief, and so on, as its aim, is judged one of the media most respected worldwide. But on August 14, 2014, a report in the BBC Chinese website greatly disappoints many net friends who deeply trust the BBC. Particularly, some parts in this article that are not objective make the sensible net friends begin to red light the trust towards the BBC.
As the Christians of the Church of Almighty God, we are shocked by this report of the BBC even more greatly. Next let’s look at the problems in this report together.
The title of this article is “A Report on the Spot: The Chinese Cult that Kills ‘Demons.’” Before writing this article, has the author Carrie really made an on-the-spot investigation in the Church of Almighty God? If not, how much can this article be trusted? We believers in God mainly strive to have our life disposition transformed through reading Almighty God’s word and understanding the truth. God requires us to have conscience and sense in our living out, to be forbearing, patient, and tolerant, and so on, and in the end to live out the likeness of a real man. Whether others are “demons” or not is not the subject of our life entering in and it has nothing to do with us. So, with us there is not such an absurd saying of “killing demons.” But the two men mentioned in the article both say that the believers in Almighty God are “killing demons.” This runs counter to God’s teaching to us. I would like to ask the author these questions: When you published this article, have you learned the purpose of our believing in God in the Church of Almighty God? Have you ever contacted the Christians of the Church of Almighty God? Have you made a practical research about what Zhang Lidong and Wang Jiannan said? If your answers to all these questions are “no,” is it suitable for you to use “a report on the spot” in the article? Such an act of the BBC has not only gone against the tenet of being objective and impartial in managing its media, which it had always upheld, but it is a very irresponsible act to the public.
In this report, except for Zhang Lidong known to all, who is the leading role in the “5/28 Zhaoyuan Incident,” through which the CCP wantonly defames and frames the Church of Almighty God, there appears another so-called victim named Wang Jiannan who gives some “evidence.” Yet those who are careful will find that in the report, only Wang Jiannan himself speaks from beginning to end, without any concrete evidence at all. In the report, Wang firmly says that his sister and mother are members of the Church of Almighty God. According to the independent reporting style of the BBC, why hasn’t it gone to check with Wang’s sister since she is in prison? Besides, he says that they have believed for about 20 years; yet she killed her father on the excuse of “killing a demon.” This is completely contrary to the word of Almighty God. Then their identities are suspect. So, only with a picture of a man’s mourning for the dead before a grave, it plants all the problems on the Church of Almighty God. Is this convincing? According to the author’s reasoning, shouldn’t it be concluded that the suffering of all those who mourn before graves is caused by the “killing demons” of the Church of Almighty God? Is such evidence tenable? The BBC says in its tenet of “trust”: “Trust is the foundation of the BBC: We are independent, impartial and honest. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of due accuracy and impartiality and strive to avoid knowingly or materially misleading our audiences.” Then is the BBC’s deed keeping the promise of striving to achieve accuracy in reporting? Or is it upholding its tenet of not misleading its audiences?
III. We are perplexed about the two video screenshots quoted in the article. We all know that to learn about the content of an article or a film, we should at least read this article or watch this film, and then we can give our opinions. However, in this report, it only selects and quotes two screenshots from the two films of the Church of Almighty God, and it adds its own opinions and comments about them without respecting the original purposes of the authors and the Church of Almighty God to make these two films. Moreover, it misleads people onto a pathway contrary to the original intentions of the film makers. Such misleading doesn’t respect the fact, much less care about the public feelings. The BBC says in its tenet of “Serving the Public Interests”: “We seek to report stories of significance to our audiences. We will be rigorous in establishing the truth of the story and well informed when explaining it.” This report of the BBC not only hasn’t served the public interests or reported the fact, but on the contrary it has brought loss to the public interests: Before watching the films, they have been infused with a wrong viewpoint. Isn’t this thoughtless and improper? Besides, as to whether the viewpoints in the article are accordant with the facts, the public can draw a conclusion only after making an investigation themselves. If the BBC really upholds the tenet of “transparency” it claims, shouldn’t it publish the links of these two films on the Internet and let the public judge them themselves, only which can be said to be transparent?
Many people in the world know that the CCP government cruelly maltreats dissidents: In the world-shocking “6/4 Incident” in 1989, the CCP used tanks and machine guns to suppress the defenseless students who sat in the Tiananmen Square petitioning for democracy; in the Tibet issue, in order to maintain its dictatorship the CCP created false cases and slaughtered the Tibetan people bloodily, and all at once the blood flowed like rivers in the Tibet. Now, in China so many people have no way to live because their houses are forcibly torn down by the CCP, and when they petition with grievances, they are arrested and put in prison and secretly killed; and so many believers in Almighty God are imprisoned illegally by the CCP and are maimed or killed; … As a western mainstream media, you should see that not only the people in the whole Mainland China are disclosing the CCP, but the people of various countries and the media in the West have all seen the cruelty of the CCP’s fighting the dissidents and especially persecuting the religion. It’s no wonder that the western democratic countries call China a country in the axis of evil. Under the ruling of the CCP, the Chinese people have no human rights at all. As for such an evil party, haven’t you, the BBC, seen it through? An agency who bears the glory and image of Britain and its people actually turns into the CCP’s mouthpiece and speaks for it at such a time. We are greatly shocked by it! BBC, what qualification do you have to stand as a star in the ranks of impartial media of the world?
Why does the BBC, even in a matter that everyone with a discerning eye can see through, go against its aim of managing the media and speak against the fact? Is it motivated by money or forced by power? Is the BBC a media or a ruling party? In June this year, Li Keqiang, the Chinese premier, paid a sudden visit to Britain and signed commercial contracts with Britain worth 14 billion pounds. This makes it very natural for people to link that with this BBC report. The BBC, a media widely recognized by the world and deeply respected by its fellows, actually discards the dignity of speaking the truth for the sake of money and interests, which is really incredible! We can only say this with sadness: BBC, you have lost your former aura of an “impartial” me.
Almighty God】【Eastern Lightning】【The Church of Almighty God
The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s expression, you will see that God has appeared.